This is particularly noticeable in nations that sought to enforce complete equality, but necessarily failed.
In addition, the states find themselves relying on Washington to enforce equality among them.
According to this view, the state should not acknowledge ethnic, national or racial identity but rather instead enforce political and legal equality of all individuals.
When you try to enforce equality then it starts to unravel.
Law in British India was not strictly locked into enforcing equality and contract.
As a result, a dual constraint between and enforcing equality of is not necessary, and could be removed if present.
Uganda's 1995 Constitution enforces equality between men and women, including the acquisition and ownership of land.
The binary constraints are used to enforce equality of the old variables shared between the two new variables.
As a ferry service exploits law intended to enforce equality, many feel their way of life is in danger Continue reading...
I therefore welcome this report, which urges a further strengthening of provisions to enforce such equality.