Clearly defined property rights and enforceable contracts are critical to successful capitalism.
The doctrine of promissory estoppel may not make the total contract fully enforceable.
Another important faction is made up of liberal reformers who are trying to institute democratic changes, property rights, a reliable court system and enforceable contracts.
This distinguishes it from the modern practice of regarding any agreement meeting certain general requirements as an enforceable contract.
The common characteristic of the various types will be increased security for children under legally enforceable contracts.
"thank god it's a british contract, enforceable under british law."
"How many deals and long-term projects could he have carried out without enforceable contracts?"
"On the basic legal issue, we think we have an enforceable contract," he said.
Even without centralized law, it was possible to make enforceable contracts.
At this point the business is in direct violation of a legally enforceable contract made between you, the client, and their employee.