They strenuously opposed House Republican demands for an enforceable limit on Medicare spending for new drug benefits.
The Constitution provides no "judicially enforceable limit on the political considerations that the states and Congress may take into account when districting," he said.
Since these contaminants do not cause health problems, there are no legally enforceable limits on their presence in drinking water.
To sustain this objection, petitioners do not argue that the clause's preamble is an independently enforceable limit on Congress's power.
But the House agreed with the Senate that enforceable limits must be set on snooping into the private lives of innocent Americans.
So the E.P.A. proposed a legally enforceable limit on radon in water.
Are there judicially enforceable limits on executive power in a time of national crisis, and, if so, what are they?
There is no enforceable limit on spending in support of a candidate where the candidate does not direct that spending.
As a result, New York State still issues only a recommended limit, not an enforceable limit set in law.
For example, the 1990 law established enforceable limits on certain types of Federal spending, which account for about one-third of the budget.