Most companies play down the enforcement role of their ethics programs.
I think it is also fair to say that I know the difference between an enactment role and an enforcement role.
We're part of the State Department; we have no specific enforcement role.
He said that if necessary, the state could free more resources to buy undeveloped land or take on a larger enforcement role.
But more than 40 large manufacturers now play an enforcement role by auditing the labor practices of their contractors.
Incumbents to such positions often require a higher degree of skill and experience than those employed in stratified enforcement roles.
Since this date the OSG have been deployed in numerous public order and enforcement roles.
In 1903, modern police crews were introduced, and had almost completely supplanted the traditional enforcement roles of the Ogboni by the 1950s.
Even so, his conclusion that Congress had exceeded its enforcement role and tried instead to impose a "substantive change in constitutional protections" was defensible.
The regulator also has a continuing monitoring and enforcement role.