Engage customers and stakeholders in alternative dispute resolution to manage and/or resolve conflicts in a positive and constructive manner.
Spectrum recently stopped making waiters recite specials for customers, engaging customers in conversation for a "personal" touch and then promoting certain items.
Enhancing customers' firm- and market- related expertise has been shown to engage customers, strengthen their loyalty,and emotionally tie them more closely to a firm.
While such exposure can increase sales, Mr. Storch added, the fact that it engages customers is critical.
"If a restaurant worker engages customers in conversation, and explains what's going on, we find that they are generally supportive," Mr. Bitterman said.
Do not engage customers in chitchat.
But it will also engage "customers" with "other experiences provided by object theaters, computer interactives and opportunities for hands-on engagement with subjects."
The advent of online video has opened up many opportunities for marketers who use it to engage customers in more compelling ways with new forms of advertising.
They are also aware of local differences in how employees engage customers.
He engaged customers, and requested feedback, including pinning up "How are we doing?"