He added that if East Germany allowed its citizens to engage in such ventures, they too might be eligible for loans from the fund.
During the following years Croxall was engaged in several literary ventures on his own account.
Probably off somewhere engaging in strange new ventures in exotic worlds far more advanced than this one, he told himself.
The commission also affirmed its position prohibiting accounting firms from engaging in joint ventures with their clients.
If his suit proves successful, it would open the door for private enterprise to challenge any municipality engaged in money-making ventures.
Brazilian banking and commercial firms also engaged in ventures in the area, furthering Brazil's ties within the region.
The official press agency Tass reported this week that 200,000 people were now engaged in either cooperative or individual ventures.
They said he engaged in numerous questionable ventures, and summed him up as a "swindler."
For now, only foreigners engaged in joint ventures with the state are allowed to make more than minuscule profits.
Many international companies are engaging in new ventures in China.