According to the official web site, JAPC is "the only power company in Japan solely engaged in nuclear energy".
A minute foodplant was produced which spent the winter rooted in the ground, and the summer adrift in the sunlit upper air, engaged solely in photosynthesis.
Young men usually engaged solely in homosexuality during this stage and were known as "kiembe", youths who don't yet sexually associate with females.
"No person shall be hired by the Legislature to engage solely in political campaign activity," the resolution reads.
During this time Sri Lankans are, according to tradition, encouraged to refrain from material pursuits, and engage solely in either religious activities or traditional games.
Constructing a resume that, however strong, is untrue to one's nature is as illegitimate as engaging in community service solely to enhance a college application.
A common misconception is that permanent funds are required for special-purpose government entities that solely engage in business-type activities.
This is all the more reasonable if one considers that very few, if any, manufacturing concerns engage solely in one type of production.
During this time one is expected to keep off from all types of work and engage solely in religious activities.