So each day Mr Madison rises early, has a frugal breakfast, reports to the Convention, engages vigorously in debate, speaks far more than most and with better effect, then comes home, dines sparingly, and drafts his account of what happened.
I don't intend to violate anyone's rights, but I do intend to vigorously engage in activities, lawful proper activity, that will collect money for the city.
There are broad areas of occupational and political life in which the Hasidim vigorously engage the secular world.
After perhaps three-quarters of an hour, I noticed my uncle's clerk, Mr. Sarmento, among a group of men I did not recognize, vigorously engaging in their business.
Then he told her she was looking beautiful, and stared at her with such affection that I fell back a step or two and contemplated a picture of Judith vigorously engaged in cutting off the head of Holofernes.
Over the same period, Anglican churches engaged vigorously in Christian missions, resulting in the creation, by the end of the century, of over ninety colonial bishoprics; which gradually coalesced into new self-governing churches on the Canadian and American models.
The adventurer is one who engages vigorously in various life projects, but without caring for the goal.
The US is committed to engaging vigorously with the international community to find solutions and help lead the world toward a new era of global cooperation on climate change.
The European Union must engage vigorously in the political dialogue.
She is especially good in Caesar's martial numbers: she seems to enjoy the scent of musical battle and the chance to engage vividly and vigorously with the orchestra.