In this engaging biography, Roger Lowenstein tells not only how Mr. Buffett made it but how he has managed to avoid spending it - the most fascinating part of the story.
It is certainly the first work of Spinoza's to which readers who have been introduced to him by this engaging biography should turn.
An engaging biography that connects the life and fiction persuasively, in particular the relationship between Bronte and her publisher that gave rise to "Villette," her other masterpiece.
Mr. Kaiser called the book an "engaging biography of one of the great characters of 20th-century Washington."
Her father and three uncles, who are the subjects of her engaging biography, "The Knox Brothers," were intellectual fencers, jousting at the world with their wits.
In his engaging biography, Howard Sounes does his best to crunch that number.
It's a real feat to write an engaging biography of a person about whom almost nothing is known for certain.
"Nature's Engraver" is a refined and engaging biography, as beautifully wrought, in its way, as Bewick's woodcuts.
Caroline Moorehead has written an engaging biography of Schliemann that is less detailed than David Traill's but perhaps ultimately fairer to its subject.
An engaging biography of the prodigious French writer.