Who else would have described his most emotionally engaging characters in such cool, comic terms?
Although Eiji is otherwise an engaging character, his dreams will put most readers to sleep.
Will, the last of the Savages, is an engaging, complex character, but we are not persuaded that his story is history.
Has created one of the most engaging (and iconoclastic) characters in contemporary fiction.
"One of the most engaging characters in contemporary fiction."
But Cain is an engaging character with more about him than is evident at first glance.
That said, many kids will be fine throughout an entertainment with many engaging characters to follow and root for.
Mr. Drukman might have been better off to tell a story with engaging characters, and trust us to make of it what we will.
Over the years South has had many talented and engaging characters pass through its doors.
Conflicts aside, Bob is an engaging character, vulnerable and sympathetic.