So while the production's Goring may seem like an engaging fellow, he was clearly a reigning spirit in an enterprise of unsurpassing evil.
He seemed an engaging fellow, with a cowlick down his forehead.
'That is an engaging young fellow,' said Stephen, walking into the cabin.
There're several very engaging fellows out in the Cove,' Robinton said, gesturing toward the beautifully colored waters of his bay.
'He's a most engaging fellow - essentially human', Reid reported as though there was something odd about an archbishop being human.
At least in private, he is an engaging fellow who, in the glow of the theater's green room, can exchange anecdotes with actors.
Touretsky, an engaging if slightly eccentric fellow, also likes to talk, and he has had plenty of explaining to do in the last year.
'He is an engaging young fellow, to be sure; but upon my sacred honour I cannot tell what women see in him.'
When he is relaxed and at peace with himself, Faldo can be an amusing and engaging fellow.
"Yes, I've heard they're most engaging fellows," said Terman dryly.