The play is one of Brecht's most emotionally engaging works, a description not normally associated with this intellectual playwright.
Tony Cragg's assemblage may not be, but it certainly is one of the most engaging works in the show.
Ballet Concierto encourages its dancers to choreograph, and the two most engaging works on the program were by company members.
A Thousand Years, one of Hirst's most provocative and engaging works, contains an actual life cycle.
He went on to earn several other first place awards for his painting and engaging works from the Salon de Plástica Mexicana.
The most engaging works take the form of installations, although the power of the photographic snapshot is an underlying motif throughout the show.
It is one of the most engaging works of fiction he has yet produced.
The most engaging works are the small, kinky and well-painted oils by Carol Burch Brown.
But those are not the show's most engaging works.
The most engaging works are the several dozen small drawings of flowers made in metalpoint and crayon.