In April 1986, the final incarnations of the Giugiaro-styled Esprit were announced, with raised engine compression giving rise to their 'HC' moniker.
The silencer consists of several components: a new type of propeller, retooling the engine compression, but most importantly, a new type of muffler.
Thus, heavy vehicles often need to use engine compression braking, and slow down so braking energy is dissipated over a longer interval.
The engine compression was reduced on the last 8 cars.
Changes in engine compression and emissions controls make it difficult to compare engines from various production years (especially pre-1972).
He throttled forward slightly, using the engine compression to slow the plane as it raced, skipping on the landing gear, across the desert floor.
Like we learned on the previous page, static engine compression is measured when the air intake valve of an engine is fully closed.
There was a whine of gears as the momentum of the car battled against the engine compression... but still no cylinder fired.
For a moment it stood still, then began to creep slowly back, the engine compression not quite holding it.
It benefited from engine compression braking, which allowed the engine to slow the bike down during deceleration, giving the brakes a rest.