The Transtage failed to pressurise, resulting in premature engine cutoff, and a failure to reach orbit.
He promptly did so, 76 s into the burn, cutting it short by 11 s. After engine cutoff, the craft continued climbing while rolling.
Instead of being near the ground for engine cutoff, they said, the craft was actually 132 feet in the air and slammed to the surface at 50 miles an hour.
Shortly after main engine cutoff, two leaks occurred in the aft primary thrusters, one of which-called R1U-was key to rendezvous.
The launch vehicle reached initial engine cutoff, but exploded 107 seconds after liftoff and disintegrated.
Had a secondary control input at engine cutoff.
A pogo suppressor was fitted to later Apollo missions to avoid this, though the early engine 5 cutoff remained to reduce G-forces.
Some vehicles use engine cutoff when they are coasting or decelerating.
Only four minutes left until engine cutoff.
The engine cutoff had failed.