Brad Boatright (born 1976) is an American musician, record producer, and mastering engineer based in Portland, Oregon.
Dan Korneff is an American producer, mixer, and engineer based in Long Island, NY.
Chris Moore is a record producer, mixer, and recording engineer currently based in Brooklyn, NY.
Hugo Loos, a Belgian engineer then based in Singapore, volunteered his services as both organist and repairman.
David Castell is an American record producer, musician, and recording engineer based in Dallas, Texas.
He uses Pierre Froment, a naïve French engineer based in Moscow, as his unlikely intermediary.
Shortly after graduation from high school, he served as an engineer based in The Philippines during World War II.
Operations started on 2 November, with 22 engineers based in Drammen.
Chad Franscoviak is a sound engineer and producer based out of Los Angeles, California.
Mr. Jaffe, the acoustical engineer based in Norwalk, had the task of improving the concert hall's acoustics, which were not too bad to begin with.