The competition requires students to use applied science and engineering skills to meet technical challenges similar to those that scientists and engineers face every day.
There are several other ethical issues that engineers may face.
Then, unexpectedly, the engineer swiveled in his chair and faced the weapons officer.
Look here, Halthorpe" - the engineer faced the lawyer, who had turned in his direction - "you are a great hand at creating hypothetical cases against people.
The stationary engineers faced technological change and continued opposition from employers who feared a broader union of workers in this critical area.
Captain Kirk stood from the command chair, and beside the helm station, faced the chief engineer.
Like most challenges that engineers here face, this one is low-tech.
Tesla had these problems in mind but not with the urgency with which the engineers faced them.
Given the extraordinary nature of the Colonial project, engineers faced many challenges.
An engineer, a man I had known for all of 90 seconds, faced me on a sofa, telling me the story of his life.