These engineers would play a key role in the origins of Soviet aircraft manufacturer, Ilyushin.
To while away the journey, the engineers played poker.
The other engineer, the radio operator and the civilian were playing liars' poker.
The structural engineer now plays a much greater role in the overall design of extremely tall buildings.
And there was also the uncomfortable sound of the Mexican Hat Dance, which the Nets' sound engineers play often at games.
A retired engineer plays cards at a makeshift table, his friends drinking plum brandy.
Most engineers play pranks on each other or on the rest of the crew as a way to pass the time.
"The chief engineer, the purser, two officers who were playing chess, and one of the young cadets."
More precisely, two engineers were playing.
A nuclear engineer by profession, Parvez Butt played an important role in the development of the Pakistan's nuclear power and weapons program.