The engineers struggled, too, against the wash of Bakori terror and illusion.
Having calculated the dimensions of the damage, the engineers struggled to understand its effect during re-entry.
It has never been met; engineers have struggled to bring the electrical grid up even to prewar levels.
Arcadia closed her eyes, trying to ease Rannis' pain, but the engineer struggled to speak.
Something that engineers struggle with in theoretical physics is their 'intuition'.
Perhaps these "silent monsters" were a metaphor for the various forces of inanimate nature with which any engineer must struggle as he builds.
The engineers had been struggling for a year to develop a four-rotor bombe - but still, apparently, without success.
The engineers from the hydro-anbaric station were struggling over the edge of the gorge to bring a power cable to the bomb.
Another difficulty the engineers struggled with was how to deal with radioactive contamination.
Indeed, engineers struggled to even maintain the automated factories.