Both engineers suggested that principles of the blown-wing design might be applied to the entomopter to improve its performance.
A structural engineer suggested that the racket might be coming from the useless radiator pipes.
Some engineers suggested that it would be highly improbable that the same area struck by the foam could have failed for any other reason.
The costs of the changes are unknown, but structural engineers suggested they would add 2 to 5 percent to development costs of ordinary buildings.
An engineer suggested that the long torpedolike container might more cheerfully be called a "time capsule."
Because," suggested the younger engineer, "you know that something has to be done about Fairhaven, and this is one way of easing your conscience.
For example, one engineer suggested that joint rotation would render the secondary O-ring useless.
Louisiana's coastal scientists, engineers and politicians suggest that without this coastal restoration project, all other efforts will be endangered.
In light of that initial government assessment, some engineers suggested that other buildings might have stood longer or not fallen at all after a similar attack.
An electrical engineer, Clifton E. Smith, suggested a new approach.