In 1989 she admitted to using performance enhancing drugs against her will.
The fact is, recent action by the House Appropriations Committee does not enhance state efforts against domestic violence.
The players, acting at the union's request, took that step to enhance their legal struggles against the league.
President Bush has approved a series of initiatives intended to enhance the nation's defenses against a catastrophic biological weapons attack, senior administration officials said Tuesday.
The two are trying to enhance enforcement powers against illicit stickering.
Experts said the decision could enhance the Government's offensive against insider trading, clearing the way for these laws to be used in prosecuting other cases.
Four questions are central: Does the treaty hurt or enhance deterrence against Soviet attack?
Effective internal controls enhance the safeguards against system malfunctions, errors in judgment and fraud.
This behavior may provide benefits of increasing opportunities for mating and enhancing aposematic displays against predators.
Under the new Instrument for Stability we will have resources to continue and strengthen work to enhance our security against nuclear proliferation threats.