Any of the reforms we've recommended could be tweaked to cover the cost of enhancing benefits for vulnerable groups, like widows, the poor and the disabled.
The two backwards compatibility modes don't give you the performance enhancing benefits of x86-64 (specifically, more registers), but they don't incur any added overhead, either.
Another issue is the Legislature's moves to enhance benefits for various union workers in cities across the state, often after prodding by unions.
The series focuses on ways in which pension funds have been shortchanged by government officials even as they have sought to enhance benefits for groups of politically influential workers.
Once insulin enters the human brain, it enhances learning and memory and benefits verbal memory in particular.
That is why I supported a modernized GI Bill that will enhance educational benefits for returning service members.
Find information on how Senator Leahy is working to protect social security's solvency and enhance benefits for Vermont's seniors and Vermonters with disabilities.
Various measures were introduced to enhance facilities and benefits for people with disabilities.
They also investigate specific production technologies to enhance the efficiency and economic benefits of the industry.
Federal agencies will experience gains in productivity as workers with disabilities are more able to take advantage of the productivity enhancing benefits of electronic and information technology.