Great strides have been made in recent years to enhance global connectivity, particularly in the developing world, through the use of mobile technology.
Operating through their website, CleanPix offers services designed for PR and marketing to enhance connectivity between members of the media and its clients.
Critical conservation issues for this species include enhancing protection measures, stricter enforcement of wildlife protection laws, and increased connectivity between fragmented protected areas.
The City opted for a light rail plan to enhance connectivity to a larger area of downtown by commuter railroad and rapid transit systems.
To enhance connectivity with the regional community, AJSL formed a new board of trustees.
98 The recommended allocation could enhance connectivity, hardware and personnel training at these community anchor institutions.
The proposals in the concept plan that would enhance accessibility and connectivity within the park include the following:
Coordinate a streetscape plan that incorporates landscape infrastructure conducive to enhancing connectivity to surrounding initiatives and projects.
To further enhance connectivity, Guttenberg introduced a set of communications initiatives.
Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, between modes, for people and freight.