In organizational settings these practices are done in groups to enhance coordination and cohesion.
This program is designed to enhance information sharing and coordination of drug law enforcement activities by countries in and around the Central Asian Region.
Enhances communication and coordination of all EPA technology activities.
Crule has enhanced senses, strength, speed, agility, reflexes, coordination, balance, and endurance.
ETC was established to enhance communication and coordination of all EPA technology activities.
The Center for Technology in Government works with government to develop information strategies that foster innovation and enhance the quality and coordination of public services.
To enhance agency communication and coordination, mayor Adrian Fenty proposed legislation which was passed into law.
This strategy clearly addresses the need to enhance coordination within the Union as well as to raise the profile of EU efforts in other countries.
It has encouraged action to enhance coordination between inspectorates, both within and between Member States.
I expect it to enhance our dialogue and coordination with regard to the planning of Parliament's part-sessions and ensuring the presence of Commissioners.