Training in ACE was supposed to maximise output in the scheme and to enhance subsequent employability.
For example, college education obviously enhances employability, and the state wisely uses community colleges to train welfare recipients for some occupations.
As a non-profit programme with a think-tank function, YBC has been pursuing its goal to "promote entrepreneurship, enhance employability, create job opportunities, revitalise the economy, implement social responsibility and promote social harmony".
Global Career Education: A USA based leading multinational has a MOU with ITM to provide customized courses to the University students that enhance employability.
Enhance curriculum vitae and employability.
The society regularly hosts events aimed towards informing members of opportunities and equipping them with skills to enhance employability.
The Careers Service is available to all and aims to enhance employability and to assist career planning.
The main objectives of ABS are to enhance employability and internationalisation.
Its mission is to alleviate poverty through Muslim charity (Zakat) and private sector participation by imparting demand driven skill training and enhancing employability for disadvantaged youth by VTIs.
It is offered merely to enhance employability of successful examinees to qualify for the CGFNS VisaScreen Certificate.