Crusty turquoise patinas enhance several pieces in the show, including a mirror embellished with wrestlers from the fifth century B.C.
The department is investigating ways of enhancing safety on the stretch, including a complete realignment of the roadway to reduce the degree of the curve.
Military aircraft take precautions to avoid contrails which greatly enhance visual detection ranges, including choice of altitude.
Intelligent Systems (systems that "intelligently" support business processes and enhance performance, including decision support, data management, forecasting and prediction).
The school enhanced its Character Development Programme through building platforms for service learning for upper secondary students, including an overseas trip to Yunnan, China.
A £7 million building programme was completed in 2003 that significantly enhanced a range of the school's facilities, including major new leisure facilities.
We enhance cooperation in all areas important to trade, including new issues such as labour standards and the linkages between environment and trade.
It would enhance harmonisation of different sectors of materials in contact with food, including recycled materials and active and intelligent packaging.
As you can see, the Commission is doing a lot to help developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, to enhance their access to affordable medicines, including local production capacity.
Such a centre would enhance Europe technologically, including the coal industry.