They say he has 'done much to enhance England's profile'.
"As the branch grows, it would do a lot to enhance my profile," he acknowledged.
The parish was seeking to enhance its profile in the community and obtain public grants.
The way Ng handled the incident, and the way she came back from it, only enhanced her profile.
Shumaker worked to enhance the university's profile as a research university.
Working the sideline at the Super Bowl is a good way for an assistant to enhance his profile.
She eventually lost out to Ed Miliband but the contest only served to enhance her public profile.
Iran has sought to remain neutral throughout the gulf crisis, while seeking to enhance its international diplomatic profile.
Since the late 1990s more and more attention has been paid both by the local council and residents to enhancing the district's environmental profile.
They are renters, and as musicians with day jobs they don't enhance its economic profile.