They also believe that a settlement would enhance regional stability and economic prosperity.
CDFAI believes that doing so enhances Canadian security and prosperity.
Workforce development is an American economic development approach that attempts to enhance a region's economic stability and prosperity by focusing on people rather than businesses.
The party looks to enhance economic prosperity within the state, cut taxes, and eliminate government waste.
The increased flow of goods, services, capital and ideas across borders stimulates economic activity and enhances prosperity.
Greater government accountability can enhance prosperity and the construction of an adequate social safety net.
Our principles remain the same: Governments need to respond to legitimate aspirations with reform not repression to enhance their/the region's long-term stability and prosperity.
"In other words, Data, the powers that be want all these people controlled because it enhances their own power and prosperity in some way," Picard said.
It promotes the free flow of goods and ideas across borders, and thus enhances prosperity and undermines repressive regimes.
As two of the world's leading economies, the United Kingdom and Italy are working together to enhance global prosperity and to ensure that its benefits are shared.