This effect is further catalyzed by sleep, which appears to having an enhancing effect on memory consolidation.
Consideration is then given to the enhancing effect of object-based attention on memory, and its inhibitory effect during certain kinds of visual search.
Findings are inconsistent, as many effects of caffeine sometimes impair short-term and working memory, whereas the other studies indicate very enhancing effects.
There was no more enhancing effect when the voltage was lowered to 100 V/cm.
There is a limit, however, to its enhancing effect.
The enhancing effect of this nanomaterial is concentration-dependent against all test strains.
Several possible mechanisms for the enhancing effects of sub-lethal radiation on anti-tumor immunity can be envisioned, as discussed below.
However, it is important to be sure not to confuse the enhancing effect with the initial causal effect.
This is probably due to the enhancing effect of bright light on the sensitivity of eye closure.
The term was first defined in a 1990 publication that investigated the enhancing effects of two specific maize introns.