King Conrig's enigmatic message showed that he realized it, too.
So in a way it was an agreeable distraction to have this enigmatic message from Bryce.
The main sculpture contains four separate enigmatic messages, three of which have been solved.
The enigmatic message got through to Reese loud and clear.
"He says to say that it's your shadow, Majesty," the page replied, clearly baffled by the enigmatic message.
It flashes an enigmatic message in English: "I am ready."
"It had the feel of a somewhat enigmatic message," the academic said as they all rose.
"And we only have two minutes to wait," Sir John added, apparently explaining the rest of the enigmatic message.
It was the sheet upon which I had scrawled the enigmatic message.
In later parts of the game, Mike receives an enigmatic message from his uncle through a third party: