The enigmatic woman is portrayed seated in what appears to be an open loggia with dark pillar bases on either side.
In its place hung poised the cube that bore the enigmatic woman and Ruth.
The allegorical tale centers on a strong-willed, powerful and enigmatic woman.
This image of an enigmatic woman is suited to be a kind of guardian.
But Madeleine truthfully knew little of this ancient, enigmatic woman.
"I prefer a difficult, enigmatic woman like you."
An enigmatic young woman hunted by the Federation, and serves as the leader of Quark.
Saya is an enigmatic woman who is, at times, hidden from view of most people.
In "Maps" a boy is brought up by an enigmatic woman with an extraordinary power to foretell the future.
Rhapsody: An enigmatic woman with the ability to heal with the slightest touch.