Oscar (Zeta) Acosta enjoyed brief celebrity in the Chicano movement of the late 1960's and early 70's.
Surin enjoyed great celebrity for his virtues, his trials, and his talents as a spiritual director.
Following Adler's break from Freud, he enjoyed considerable success and celebrity in building an independent school of psychotherapy and a unique personality theory.
Among resident artists he enjoyed celebrity of a non- professional sort.
Thus, traditionally admired professions - medicine, law, clergy, engineering - have lost their cachet, while architects, chefs, artists, television anchors and above all actors enjoy celebrity.
For a few days after the game, he enjoyed brief celebrity.
The women had enjoyed modest crowds and celebrity in college, but 1991 was their first experience in an international tournament.
Though comparatively unknown today, he enjoyed celebrity and a long, successful career.
In its heyday, the Billiken enjoyed worldwide celebrity.
"Stars", however, could enjoy considerable wealth and celebrity, and mingled socially and often sexually with the upper classes, including emperors.