The Council enjoys good climatic conditions as most areas in central province.
The south enjoyed somewhat better political and economic conditions, and saw an advance in trade.
This effect appears to be so consistent that it may prevent nations from being highly religious while enjoying good internal socioeconomic conditions.
We had been fortunate to have an excellent trekking crew and to enjoy good conditions for a memorable adventure.
On the opening Sunday, in the 10-kilometer men's biathlon race, the early starters enjoyed relatively stable conditions.
"For these areas of the country that are enjoying such wonderful conditions right now, it will become much less wonderful a few years down the road."
People are looking for the future of their children, to live in a more peaceful atmosphere and enjoy better conditions.
For most of its history, the earth had enjoyed warm, uniform conditions over its whole surface.
There is also a need to ensure that the small and medium-sized players in this market enjoy favourable conditions.
During that time, he was apparently treated well since French officers enjoyed better conditions than captured enlisted men.