Many women, particularly, enjoy dressing "daringly" - and most men enjoy seeing a woman so dressed.
She also happens to enjoy dressing Flashy.
The eldest son, aged 23, he enjoys dressing as a female and often speaks in a feminine manner.
In particular, he enjoys dressing his fashion-unconscious wife, much to her distaste.
And in time-honored nouveau-riche style, the affluent citizens of a city made rich from silver enjoy dressing to the nines.
Just the sort of thing women, no matter what age, enjoyed dressing in.
He cross-dresses in his first female outfit as a bride, before ultimately discovering that he enjoys dressing like a girl.
The truth was that Dr Elliot was not physically unattractive and enjoyed dressing to emphasize the fact.
Hardinge is often seen wearing a black hat and enjoys dressing in old-fashioned clothing.
Lucinda still enjoyed dressing for a festivity, since the mirror still dealt gently with her.