Believers will inherit eternal life in heaven and enjoy eternal fellowship with God.
Consul General Shelton enjoyed fellowship at the American Society's reception following the Thanksgiving service on November 24.
I only wished to enjoy dinner and fellowship with the men I consider the most enlightened of all those holding sessions at the State House.
Those forgiven through Christ will enjoy eternal fellowship with God.
Where the members and supporters of the different Railway Missions can exchange experiences and enjoy fellowship with other participants.
We hope you will enjoy the warmth and fellowship you will find with other residents of your own age and interests.
"If you enjoy good singing and good fellowship," Mr. Woodside said, "come join us."
"If you enjoy good singing and good fellowship, why not join us?"
We are merely enjoying fellowship.
Circle of Care (CoC) groups are cell groups where members engage in several activities which may include enjoying fellowship, conducting Bible studies, and praying together.