Mike seemed to be enjoying himself, too, following his flashlight at a leisurely pace.
Students will thoroughly enjoy following the exploits of the comic cartoon characters, Carstairs and Carruthers, who are engaged in a race around the world.
Just as some men dislike admitting that they took a wrong turn, many don't enjoy following an instructor's lead or feeling lost in a class.
During his youth, Hester enjoyed following the Dallas Cowboys.
Actually he is enjoying following Eileen up the difficult pitch.
Any young woman may enjoy following the latest fashions, but for Pakistani women there is a difference in their attitude to clothes.
Even as a child, Wahida enjoyed following her mother's discussion of issues of poverty, health and gender inequality.
Suggett also enjoyed a brief spell as caretaker manager at the club, following Willie McFaul's departure.
Anyone with an interest in dance or Degas will enjoy following these dance detectives backstage.