Hoffman dominated his position at a consistent level while enjoying incredible longevity over almost two decades.
Some of these ancient nonsensical magical words enjoyed exceptional longevity.
I'm hoping the 4S enjoys similar longevity, compared to the original iPhone 4.
Although the Vilcabambans did not enjoy greater longevity than the rest of the world, they did have one consolation.
Compared with many of their colleagues, Smith and Lamoriello have enjoyed longevity and success in a difficult business.
The people there enjoy pronounced longevity.
In the days ahead, he suggests, few products will enjoy such longevity.
Vin said he enjoyed success, freedom and longevity in his radio career because of Freddie's support, generosity, understanding, patience and love.
Most of the dismissed personalities enjoyed longevity in the market elsewhere.
The medicinal herbs will enable our people to enjoy health and longevity in this present world.