Towne also enjoys pornography and lives with his 90-year-old adoptive grandmother.
In 2006, he told Rolling Stone that he enjoys pornography, but later insisted the reporter exaggerated his statements.
Millions of men and women legally purchase, view and enjoy pornography as a form of entertainment every day.
Biological differences in the brain that explain why women can't excel at math or chess, enjoy pornography, find their car in the parking lot - even though lots of women do all those things?
Why do men enjoy pornography, so clearly a crystallization of the social structure that oppresses women?
Butch enjoys prostitutes, pornography, cigars, any and every kind of alcoholic drink, and making crank calls to a man named Frank.
If someone enjoys reading/viewing pornography that has non-consensual violence violence, does that make him or her a criminal?
When he takes her to his castle, she learns that he enjoys sadistic pornography and takes pleasure in her embarrassment.
I recommend that those who enjoy pornography (this writer, of course, not belonging to that group) be allowed to continue enjoying it.