No club enjoys adverse publicity and the coming weeks building up to the fourth round tie will be challenging for Liverpool and United.
She tries to persuade Dwian to agree to the reform package's watered down measures so that he could enjoy more positive publicity.
There are similarities between this latest creation and "unbundled stock units," which enjoyed phenomenal publicity when they were proposed by Shearson in late 1988.
Because of the drought, forecasters are enjoying uncommon influence - and publicity - these days.
Because Dutch parties enjoy free publicity on the public broadcasting system, they spend much more on their party apparatus than on election campaigns.
Despite its detractors, Westlake has enjoyed considerable publicity over the course of its 60-year history.
Video games have not enjoyed good publicity lately.
Some excavators enjoyed publicity and yielded to demands from prominent persons who wanted to enter the tomb.
The film enjoyed almost continuous popularity and publicity for several years after its debut, including two magazine cover articles as late as 2012.
The group enjoyed publicity, and media outlets regularly covered them.