The old cottages, in time, were improved and some enlarged, new buildings were erected.
Some roofs were repaired, cells replaced and in about 1740 a new enlarged conventual building of three wings was erected on the street front.
These plans were also delayed because of neighborhood complaints that the enlarged building would block their sunlight and increase noise and congestion.
The first building was completed in 1806, giving way to the present enlarged building in 1906.
An enlarged building, designed by George Dance the Elder, was consecrated on August 29 1766.
A renovated and enlarged building was dedicated in 2002.
"I'm legalizing the addition," he said, adding that the owners intend to move to the enlarged building.
And they sheathed all 26 floors of the enlarged building, which spans from 59th to 60th Street, in green reflective glass.
Today, the enlarged building is the property of the federal government.
As work progressed, Walter also designed a new cast-iron dome to better suit the enlarged building.