The unit was enlisted for three years, and most members left the unit in the end of 1863.
When scarcely 18, he enlisted in the army for three years.
The company was enlisted for three years, or the duration of the war.
Men were enlisted for three years under a declaration, after that, they could obtain discharge on two months notice.
Farmer, who had enlisted for four years and was still in the service, got orders to go back to Vietnam.
Issa dropped out of high school, and on his 17th birthday he enlisted for three years in the Army.
Contres decided to enlist for four years of military service.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted and served for more than two years.
The men enlisted for five years and received $13 per month, plus room, board and clothing.
He had been enlisted for 30 years and could have retired long ago.