After The Wall Street Journal called Kelley's Katch Caviar the "new egg in town," so many people placed orders, the Kelleys enlisted neighbors to fill out FedEx forms.
He spends spare time pulling the weed out with his hands and enlisting neighbors to do the same.
Either way, swappers typically do what they can to make their exchange partners feel at home, leaving them lists of tourist attractions and local restaurants and even enlisting neighbors to provide them with rides to and from the airport and to invite them over for drinks or dinner.
They also enlisted friends, neighbors and relatives to help with the sampling.
Some are hiring baby sitters they can barely afford, or are enlisting neighbors and relatives to help out during a strike with no end in sight.
At the same time, Mayor David N. Dinkins's office is focusing on enlisting neighbors to persuade other neighbors to be counted, to follow up on people who do not mail back their forms and to staff "census assistance centers" at post-office branches, schools and other neighborhood sites.
You will have to do some leg work with different waste haulers and then enlist neighbors to back you for a change.
Republican loyalists in Chester and Delaware counties, as well as across the Commonwealth, called for a "Day for Dewey", during which volunteers would be asked to donate eight hours to enlist their friends and neighbors to support the cause.
Like many direct-sales consultants, she enlists friends, neighbors and others to hold parties.