Nandan Mehta's performances have won enormous acclaim.
They have presented "Atys" to enormous acclaim more than 70 times since 1986 throughout Europe and in the United States.
His first book, Trainspotting, was published in 1993 and subsequently dramatised and filmed to enormous acclaim.
The first car was exhibited at the 1904 Paris Salon, and it received enormous acclaim.
"Fifteen" has received enormous critical acclaim from many music critics, citing it as one of Swift's best-written songs.
His first full-length LP, Mobilize, was released to enormous critical acclaim in 2001.
First published in 1942, "West With the Night" was reissued in 1983 to enormous critical and popular acclaim.
It was the first big British television product sold all over the world," she recalled, adding, "to enormous acclaim.
Her award-winning memoir Doyamoyeer Kotha was published in 2008, and received enormous critical and popular acclaim.
When the paper appeared May 19, it met with enormous acclaim.