But Mr. Sobel said the enormous breadth of the collection presented promising options.
Frankie stopped, straightening his shoulders above the enormous breadth of his stomach.
The man was close to seven feet tall, with an enormous breadth of shoulder and biceps as thick as most men's thighs.
It's an enormous breadth for one individual.
Few realized the enormous breadth of skill and knowledge needed to make serialism a truly musical experience.
What distinguished the Secretariat wasn't its height so much as its enormous breadth, greater than a city block.
Below lay the sunlit surface of Saturn divided into light and dark bands of enormous breadth.
Hazlitt was awed by the enormous breadth of Fawcett's tastes.
Like his father, Theoparlis, he had enormous breadth of shoulder and a barrel chest.
It is a work of enormous breadth, likely to pleasantly surprise both general readers and experts.