With enormous dignity he came to confound the impostor who could bewilder his subordinates.
She showed us all how to live a fulfilled life and how to die with enormous dignity.
Miss Hamilton's Riley was the only old one among them, but of such enormous dignity and lavish length that it added distinction to the whole collection.
"Of course not," said Gwendoline, with enormous dignity.
Slowly, as though with enormous dignity, like a dowager changing her mind, theCalypso's bow began to turn to larboard.
Like a great tree cut off at the roots, Vanli toppled slowly, gracefully, and with enormous dignity.
He carried his age with enormous dignity, and his yellow eyes seemed calm and very wise somehow.
Although, just as in those commercialized presentations, bodies swayed and arms rippled, traditional Hawaiian dance proved to possess enormous dignity.
A natural leader, Moses would bring enormous dignity to the role as the chairman of the council.
Her poverty could not detract from her enormous dignity and presence.