This floating population is causing an enormous but largely unmeasured social upheaval across the country.
In fact, the little things mean a lot at a time of enormous upheaval, she said.
Father Mirchuk fears that full legalization will not soon occur, and only after enormous upheaval.
One close friend provides a clue to her behavior: "She's gone through enormous emotional upheaval, out of which the writing comes.
In the enormous upheaval that followed, one of these species would gain ascendancy.
Yet his career provided a grand tour of Africa's last quarter century, a period of enormous upheaval and change.
As a result of Jewish emancipation, Judaism underwent enormous upheaval and transformation during the 19th century.
They developed enormous upheavals; sometimes crisis, convulsions, and even death followed.
Probably the enormous volcanic upheavals of the past brought these substances to the light, and the absolute lack of rainfall has prevented their being buried.
The fatalities, thousands of injured and the enormous upheaval in Ivory Coast are testimony to this.