While the produce on display may appear remarkably similar from vendor to vendor, there is enormous variability beneath the skin.
The enormous variability results in part from the fact that each laboratory has its own quality controls.
The challenge in understanding the biology of migraines lies in the enormous variability of the disease and the trickiness of diagnosing it properly.
But as with many enzymes, there is enormous variability within the population.
Yet they also found that choosing a particular hedge fund entailed considerable risk because the funds exhibited enormous variability in performance in any given year.
The characterization data revealed enormous morphological as well as agronomical variability among the landraces.
There is an enormous variability in the vowels of these words all over the world.
Some genes, notably those of the immune system, show enormous variability, but the variability does not track with racial groupings.
The size of protein-coding genes within the human genome shows enormous variability (Table 2).
The studies have shown enormous variability in protection, even within the same country.