A successful outcome would be enormously beneficial.
The policy would have been enormously beneficial to the non-snowmobiling visitors to Yellowstone and its wildlife, while doing little damage to the snowmobiling industry.
Such a deal would be enormously beneficial for Republic because it would acquire a bank valued at more than $1 billion for $250 million in interest payments.
It is a relationship that has proven to be enormously beneficial for this school system and ultimately for over one million schoolchildren.
But the competition has proved enormously beneficial overall.
Preserving your small savings will be enormously beneficial to you both.
The masterly shift from being "pro-abortion" to being "pro-choice" has proved enormously beneficial to critics of the church's stand.
Dr. Black said the tests could be enormously beneficial once the science caught up with the diagnostic technology.
This information can be enormously beneficial by encouraging early screening or preventive surgery.
There were two instinctive decisions he made in particular that would prove enormously beneficial over the long haul.