His outspoken admiration for the South's secession, publicly calling it "heroic", so enraged local citizens that they demanded his banning from the stage for making "treasonable statements".
You are what the enemy wanted you to be, enraged citizens seeking vengeance, vulnerable to their treachery.
Diogenes Laertius says that enraged citizens sometimes assaulted him in the street, and quotes his comment about the donkey.
Phil and the enraged citizens then gang around Scheck, who then tries to escape in his car, but Gertie has stripped his car of its wheels.
Bloom also has an enraged citizen throw a cracker tin at him in a pub.
But he did stand by Malak, even as The Arkansas Democrat and a group of enraged citizens called for his dismissal.
The Parliament also ended the state of emergency declared four months ago when collapsing pyramid schemes led enraged citizens to take up arms.
Over 1,500 troops perished, many of them hacked to death by the enraged citizens of Antwerp.
In 1375, enraged citizens of Novgorod threw three heretics from the bridge into the Volkhov River.
And in the Philippines, enraged citizens destroyed billboards of Ferdinand Marcos.