He heard the sudden crash and crackle in the undergrowth and then the wild trumpeting squeal of an enraged elephant, but the sound was from behind him, not the direction in which Tukutela had vanished.
India has since tried to stamp out the revolt with all the fury of an enraged elephant, while Pakistan has tried to provoke the uprising further and arm it and bend it to its will.
Like an enraged elephant, the van went berserk, twisting its way in a sinuous motion across the road, narrowly missing a donkey pulling a wagon coming in the opposite direction.
Chest and broadside shots were effective killers, as was the side shot on brain where the skull is thinner on elephant, however once again this did not help for instantly stopping an enraged elephant charging the hunter.
It will go through your bridge like an enraged elephant through a greenhouse.
As one of the arriving Boers said, 'Like an enraged elephant, he thrashed about the veld, then slowly withdrew.'
Some later Roman writers claim that his eyelids were cut off and he was trampled to death by an enraged elephant.
This can be dangerous work: three field workers in Korup were trapped behind a tree by an enraged elephant after their tranquilliser dart missed its target.
Only elephants are still daunting: an enraged adult elephant can demolish a truck or plunge through an electrified fence.
Then, from behind him, he heard the wild trumpeting of an enraged elephant, followed, almost immediately, by Louisa's scream.