Her enraged husband caught up with them at a ford over the Doon, still called the Gypsies' Steps.
A wife under an order of protection was fatally shot by her enraged husband just outside Judge Burstein's courtroom.
A woman has an affair, and a child, with her brother-in-law, who is shot on the street by her enraged husband.
In the ensuing chase Pratt was stabbed and shot by the enraged husband.
I shall probably find an enraged husband and a couple of policemen.
She screamed; Armadale rushed in and struck the enraged husband, thinking he was protecting his mistress.
Faithless wives were killed by enraged husbands.
"You'll need somebody to calm the hysterical wife while you're disarming and subduing the enraged husband."
He took some, although he acted with discretion, assuring himself first that there was no possibility of an enraged husband turning up.